Friday, January 8, 2016

New LCRA Transmission Line Concerns Austin Residents

Austin residents are rightly proud of the natural beauty in their area.  With a climate that lets people go hiking and biking year-round, Austin offers many great residential communities with nearby trails. That is why residents near the Brushy Creek Trail System are concerned about the announcement by the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) plan to create a new transmission line.  A new power line can hurt Austin real estate.  What are the concerns?
Harming the Environment
Birds, deer, fish, frogs and other wildlife depend on the Brushy Creek area.  Construction of the line can hurt plants and alter habitats.  Even after the line is completed, continued maintenance can disrupt the natural environment these creatures depend on.
The road up to this area is very narrow and not designed for construction vehicles.  This project would create traffic problems along with noise and wear on roads.
The flooding that Brushy Creek has gotten in the past during heavy rains could be worse if construction removes vegetation and creates soil erosion.  Furthermore, the flooding could make having high powered lines in the area dangerous.
Damaging Valuable Natural Trails
Having a major power line run right through this trail will destroy the natural beauty of the area.  This can also negatively affect Austin real estate values in the area because the trails will then be less of a focal point
Airport Hazard
Additionally, the planes taking off and landing at the airport off Parmer lane could find the transmission line to be a danger.
Reduced Area Property Values
The Brushy Creek Regional trail is not just a beautiful place to hike, it also enhances property values of the surrounding 7 neighborhoods who have access to the trail.  If a transmission line runs through this area, the bikers, runner, and hikers will find the area less appealing and that will reduce the value of the adjacent homes.
What Can Area Residents Do?
People in the community who are concerned about this issue can call the LCRA Transmission Services at 800-776-5272, ext. 7051.  
For more information about Austin real estate listings and Austin Texas real estate, visit or contact the team at (512) 887-4849. 

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